
Prestatyn, Rhyl and District u3a

The u3a is an international organisation dedicated to the well being of people in their Third Age. The first age is childhood, the second age is adulthood and is about raising children and/or full time employment. The third age comes later when you are retired or semi-retired. The u3a has hundreds of regional groups, of which PR&D is just one. If you want to know more about the u3a or PR&D u3a then follow the links on the right.

Thinking of joining our Bridge Group?

Our group is part of PR&D u3a and anyone hoping to join the group must meet the u3a eligibility requirements i.e. they must be retired or semi-retired. If you are not retired or semi-retired then you can not join the u3a or this Bridge group.

We meet every Monday 10am - 12:30pm at Kings Hall, Prestatyn and members must arrive before 10am to enable a prompt start. All attendees must pay £2 per session which goes towards room hire and cost of tea/coffee etc. After attending two u3a sessions you would then have to join PR&D u3a and pay the current membership fee to continue.

We do not have the facilities to provide dedicated teaching sessions anyone wishing to learn Bridge or enhance existing skills would be expected to do some private studying. We would do our best to support your learning but it will be on an adhoc basis.

There are a lot of learning resources. If you are serious about learning Bridge I recommend that you get the book Brdge for Complete Beginners as this will quickly give you the basics to build upon.

If this doesn't meet your expectations you might consider contacting Abergele u3a who also have a Bridge group.

If you want further information then please send an email to the group leader by visiting our group on the u3a's website and click on the blue carrier pidgeon.

